Educational Pricing

How to apply for Educational (Wholesale) Pricing.
We are pleased to offer Educational (Wholesale) Pricing to approved customers. This price level may be discounted from other price levels on this website and may allow approved users the option of charging purchases to their own customer account rather than having to pay up front for their order. Customers at this user level may also have the opportunity to participate in special offers that are not available to other user groups.
To qualify for Educational (Wholesale) Pricing you must be an approved teacher, school, pre-school, kindergarten, out of school hours care facility, community group, a government department, an approved training institution or an eligible educational services business.
Existing Customers
If you have purchased goods from us in the last 12 months you may have already been approved for Educational (Wholesale) Pricing and your account may already be set up and ready for use.
If you're not sure about the status of your account - please give us a call and we can very quickly let you know and upgrade your account if necessary.
New Customers
If you haven't purchased goods from us before you will need to register with us to become eligible for this status. To do this please navigate to our website and follow the steps to registering a new account.
If you are a teacher or you are ordering for an educational organisation please answer "yes" to the first question in the registration process.
Complete the registration form and submit it to us for review.
We will review your application as soon as possible (usually straight away) and automatically upgrade your account if your application is successful. We will then send an email advising you of your login status.
Please don't process your order until you have been advised that the Educational (Wholesale) Pricing has been approved, as you won't be able to enjoy the benefits until your application is complete and you have been notified that your application has been successful.
Remember also to make sure you login with your email address and password every time you visit our webshop (even if you are only browsing) so that your Educational pricing is visible to you.
If you have any problems completing any of the above steps please give us a call on 07 3217-0088 and we will be happy to help.
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